Ali Baba(アリ・ババ)

騒がしくて落ち着かないBarやクラブが好きでない人に、それに代わるよいお店があります。Ali Babaというフーカバー(水たばこを吸うBar)です。このお店が典型的なお店に比べてよい理由は、よりのんびりリラックスできるのと、フーカはシガー(葉巻)や煙草ほど刺激が強くないでないことです。店内はソファーや椅子がたくさんありゆっくりできます。壁には、キャッチーなアラビア音楽のビデオが流れているテレビや、フーカを吸っている人のアートがあります。友人とおしゃべりしたりボードゲームやカードゲームをしながら、カバブ、シュワマスなどの食べ物やソフトドリンク、お茶などの飲み物(ノンアルコール)を注文できます。お店後方右側には小さめの部屋があり、そこはダンスミュージックが流れディスコの照明やナイトクラブを思わせるものがあります。さらに御手洗いのある後方まで行くと、どのようにフーカをを準備しているか見ることができます。とにかく、Ali Babaは美味しい料理を食べリラックスし、フーカを楽しみながら友人とくつろぐのにとても良い場所です。


住所:4046 W. Lawrence Ave

電話:(773) 202-1992


In English: Ali Baba

Ali Baba

For those that don’t like that loud hectic environment of bars and clubs, one great alternative is Ali Baba, the hookah bar. What makes this place a great alternative to typical hang out spots would be the relax atmosphere and smoking hookah isn’t as harsh as cigars or cigarettes. There are plenty of couches and seats to sit down and stay a while. Along the walls are T.V. playing very catchy Arabic music videos and artwork of people smoking hookah. You can order food such as kabobs and shawarmas and drinks such as soft drinks or tea(no alcohol though) while you talk or play board or card games. Located to the back on the right side is a smaller room that tends to play more dance music with disco lights and everything reminiscent of a nightclub. If you venture to the back towards the bathroom, there you will see how they prepare the hookah from putting the tobacco in and heating up the charcoal that goes on top of the hookah. All in all Ali Baba is definitely a great place to relax with good food and chill atmosphere with good friends smoking over a good hookah.


Address: 4046 W. Lawrence Ave

Telephone: (773) 202-1992


日本語で:Ali Baba(アリ・ババ)

Summer Barbecue / 夏のバーベキュー

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Place/場所:Busse woods Grove11
Cost/参加費:Males/男性$40 Females/女性$20


Don’t you think it’s a time for BBQ?
I think a lot of people remembers huge BBQ party from last year.
And we will have a BBQ party this year again!
It might not be a huge one like last year but it will be fun for sure.
For preparing purpose, please let me know if you can make it as soon as you find out!


To register, please click on the link below/


JPNLifeChicago Graffiti Party/ JPNLife Chicago グラフィティパーティー

Lazo’s Restaurant in collaboration with JPNLifeChicago is hosting the 1st of many parties to come.

On July 9th, 2016 JPNLifeChicago will be hosting Graffiti Party 2016. Where you can get your artistic groove on! Bring your friends and your white T-shirts and draw each other up.

Take a marker and draw cool designs and symbols on your shirts and that of your friends. Be creative and see what you and your friends can come up with. After you are done, relax with drinks and food, while listening to music.

$10 at the door, and includes food/drinks.


Markers will be provided.


Contests for who has the best graffiti design.



JPNLife Chicago グラフィティパーティー


Lazo’s レストランとJPNLifeChicagoとのコラボでこれから行われる数多くのパーティーの第一回目を開催します。

2016年7月9日(土)、JPNLifeChicago主催で「Graffiti Party 2016」を行います。ここであなたのアートの才能を発揮できます。ぜひ お友達と一緒に白いTシャツを持参して/着てきて下さい。お互いに絵を描きましょう。







Silk Road (シルク・ロード)

多くのレストランは、お客さんに良い印象を与えるためにお店の内外装デザインに力を注ぎますが、Silk Roadはその反対です。この小さいレストランは、木製の壁に地味な床、そして一つのカウンター、と必要最低限にあるだけです。けれど、店内が殺風景な代わりにこのお店の美味しいスパイシー・チキンが満足させてくれます。お店はとてもシンプルで、料理人がひたすら料理をしています。ですから、お料理を注文するとすぐに出てきます。もし、もっとパンチの効いた辛さにしたければ、追加のソースが頼めます。ベジタリアンの人には、チキンをお豆腐に替えてもらうこともできます。ただ、その場合は調理する時間を待たなくてはいけないので気を付けて下さい。



住所:19 S La Salle St #106

電話:(312) 558-1999


In English: Silk Road

Silk Road

While many restaurants go to various lengths to impress you with their designs, Silk Road does the opposite. This small restaurant is barebones with generic wooden walls and plain floors and an open counter. While what this place lacks in design, it makes up for in its great tasting spicy chicken. This is a very simple place, the cooks are constantly making food, and thus when you order you get your food right away. If you want an extra kick, you can always ask for extra sauce. Now for you vegetarians, you can replace the chicken with tofu, but be aware that you will have to wait as time is needed to cook.


There isn’t much to this place other than their spicy chicken meal. However, that signature entrée is just that damn good that you just don’t care about anything else.

Address: 19 S La Salle St #106

Telephone: (312) 558-1999


日本語で:Silk Road (シルク・ロード)

Juan LazoのMan and Woman of the Year募金運動のページへようこそ。



私のMan and Woman of the Year(マン・アンド・ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー)募金運動に寄付をして、一緒にThe Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)(白血病・リンパ腫会)を支援しませんか。私は、10週間でできる限り多くの募金を募る運動に取り組むチームの一員です。私が集めた1ドルが1票として数えられ、最多票/最高金額を集めた候補者がマン・アンド・ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤーに選ばれます。















Welcome to Juan Lazo’s MWOY Fundraising Page!

Hi everybody,

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign for Man or Woman of the Year. I am part of team working to raise as much as possible in a 10-week period. Every dollar I raise counts as one vote and the candidate who gets the most votes/raises the most money is named the Man or Woman of the Year.


But as you know, everyone wins when cancer loses, and thanks to your support, my efforts will help fund the therapies and treatments that save lives, not someday but today.


Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.


Many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients, but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. And LLS funded drugs like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are now saving thousands of lives every day.


We really are getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers!


All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. They’ll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit my Web site often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit

If you like to support the cause further, Please come and attend one of our upcoming events!.

Greek Islands(グリーク・アイランド)

Greek Islandsは、ギリシャ料理を楽しむのに定番レストランで、シカゴの街を開拓している人にとっては絶対はずせない場所です。お店はグリークタウンにあり、1971年に開店以来、本場ギリシャ料理を作り続けています。長年お店が成功している主な理由は、最高品質の材料とシーフードを慎重に選びレストランに直接仕入れ、それらを調理してテーブルに出していることです。




レストランのテーブルは目が行き届くよう段差をつけて配置されており、オープンエリアとよりプライベートなエリアがあります。夕食後時間があれば、バーカウンターで食後に良いというギリシャのお酒、Metaxaを試してみることをお勧めします。とにかく、Greek Islandsは楽しい雰囲気で、料理はとても美味しくシカゴで逸品レストランの一つです。さらに、このお店には無料駐車サービスがあります。

住所:200 S. Halsted St



In English: Greek Islands

Greek Islands


Greek Islands is a Chicago staple of Hellenic taste, and for those exploring the city, it is one that is a must visit. Nestled in the section of Greektown, it has been providing authentic Greek food since 1971. One of their pillars to such a success has been the fact that many ingredients and seafood are meticulously selected for the highest quality and then directly imported to the restaurants and served to your table.


Walking in, the décor is that of a Mediterranean villa, which feels very welcoming and especially more with the traditional Greek music playing in the back ground. As you walk further in, you will notice the attention that they give to deliver top notch service, as the host greets you and immediately sits you down followed by a team of busboys who quickly place napkins and silverware on your table. Afterwards the wait staff comes by and takes your order. The menu is expansive but not overwhelming. Should you be interested in trying different items at once, you can order a combo which will be two smaller size entrees on your plate.


The design of the seating arrangement is a very attention-grabbing one as some areas are on different levels with certain areas being very open while others are secluded. Should you have some free time after dinner, I recommend checking out the bar as they serve Greek liquor Metaxa, that some patron say is a good after dinner drink. All in all, Greek Islands is one of Chicago dining gems, with a fun atmosphere, great food, and did I mention free valet parking?

Address: 200 S. Halsted St

Telephone: 312-782-9855


日本語で:Greek Islands(グリーク・アイランド)