Chicago Executive Flight School(シカゴ・エグゼクティブ・フライト・スクール)

空高く舞い上がることを夢見たことがありますか?その夢を叶えてくれる場所はChicago Executive Flight Schoolです。WheelingのChicago Executive Airport (PWK) にあるこのスクールは、趣味で新しいスキルを学ぶため、又は 新たなキャリアパスのために生徒が目標を達成して飛べるようになるのを手助けしています。1994年に開校以来、自家用操縦士から事業用操縦士の等級まで幅広いコースを提供しています。このスクールはとても生徒本位なので、各自自分のペースで学ぶことができ、そして訓練は全て1対1です。


まず始めに集中フライト訓練を受けます。隣に操縦士がいる状態で実際に飛行機をコントロールし、操縦士がすること全てを学びます。全てのつまみと機能を学び、無線ラジオを送受信し、離陸のし方も学びます。一般航空の初めての飛行には、次の三つのパッケージがあります。1) 飛行場近辺を飛び、飛行機がどう動き飛ぶのかを学ぶ 。2) シカゴダウンタウン上空を飛び、シカゴを違った角度で見る。3) Lake Geneva まで飛び、異なる飛行場に離着陸することを学ぶ。


このスクールは、操縦訓練を受けるのに最高の場所であること以外に、既に飛行操縦士の人にはレンタル飛行機があり、その種類は増え続けています。その中から用途により適した飛行機を選び数時間シカゴ上空を飛んだり、又は週末に中西部全体を飛んだりできます。自分の世界を広げ異なる角度で世界を見たくなったら、Chicago Executive Flight Schoolがそのお手伝いをしてくれます。

住所:1098 S Milwaukee Ave #102, Wheeling, IL 60090

電話:(847) 465-8359


In English: Chicago Executive Flight School

Chicago Executive Flight School

Ever dream of soaring through the skies? One place that can help you achieve your dreams is the Chicago Executive Flight School. Located at the Chicago Executive Airport (PWK) in Wheeling, this school has been helping its students achieve getting their wings, whether to conquer a new skill for pleasure, or to help them start on a new career path. Beginning in 1994, the school offers a wide range of courses from your private pilot, to achieving commercial rating. The school is very student orientated, thus each and every student can go at his or her pace and all instructions are 1 on 1.


To start off you take an immersion flight, where you get to actually control the plane and learn everything the pilot does with the pilot sitting next to you. Learn all of the knobs and functions, making and receiving radio calls, even performing the take off. For the first flight in general aviation, this school offers 3 packages, 1) fly near the airport to learn how an airplane works, 2) the downtown experience and see Chicago in a different light or, 3) the Lake Geneva Flight, which is a flight to Lake Geneva and that offers learning how to deal with going to a different airport.


Aside from it being a wonderful place to learn, for those that are already pilots, they have an ever growing selection of planes to rent for either a few hours around Chicago or a weekend excursion throughout the Midwest. For when you want to expand your world and see it in a different light, Chicago Executive Flight School can help you get there.


Address: 1098 S Milwaukee Ave #102, Wheeling, IL 60090

Telephone: (847) 465-8359


日本語:Chicago Executive Flight School(シカゴ・エグゼクティブ・フライト・スクール)

Artopolis (アートポリス)






住所:306 S Halsted St

電話:(312) 559-9000


In English: Artopolis


On the southern part of Greektown lies a true European style café called Artopolis. This unique place has such a warm feeling when you walk in thanks to its bright colors and wide-open spaces. The open kitchen allows you to see what is cooking and along the right side is their bakery with a massive selection of sweet which you should try them all as all of them are delicious! Another interesting feature to this place is it has a partial second floor here one can look over the balcony and see the ground floor below. Aside from the sweets, they also offer different dishes, and one thing that is highly recommended is their artopita which is a baked sandwich with cheese filling inside along with various items depending on which artopita you ordered.


Post dinner items included, many desserts from éclairs, fruit tarts, and Greek pastries such as baklava along with lattes or cappuccinos to go along with these treats.


Overall, Artopolis is just a great place to dine. The warm feeling you get when inside, along with the excellent food and desserts you enjoy while there, it is just an awesome experience.

Address: 306 S Halsted St

Telephone: (312) 559-9000



Hokkaido Artists: Opening Reception for Our Art Working 2016 exhibition/北海道在住アーティストによる展示会:オープニングレセプションのご案内


Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

5 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Uptown Arts Center (in the People Church)

941 W. Lawrence Ave, 4th floor


The same as last year, the exhibition will be held in the building that has “Preston Bradley Center” on the awning. It will be on the 4th floor. There is a poster on one of the doors for the show. This will be our third year supporting the Artist in Residence program from Hokkaido, Japan. Members from last year will be returning as well as new additions. Please come out, meet these artists and view their work!

昨年同様、Uptown Arts Center (建物の入口、オーニングにはPreston Bradley Centerと書かれています。)で展示会が行われます。場所は4階で、多くのドアの一つにこの展示案内のポスターが貼ってあるので分かります。北海道在住アーティストによるこの展示会は今回で3回目です。昨年の参加者に加え、新しいアーティストも参加します。ぜひ、アーティストに会いに、そして作品を見にいらして下さい。


梅田正則(コンテンポラリーアート)  Umeda Masanori – Contemporary Art

伽井丹彌(球体関節人形)  Kai Akemi – Ball-Jointed Dolls

上ノ大作(陶芸・コンテンポラリー)  Ueno Daisaku – (Contemporary) Ceramic Art

由良真一(油彩)  Yura Shinichi – Oil Painting

加藤かおり(折り紙アート・コンテンポラリーアート)  Katou Kaori – Origami Art/Contemporary Art

竹本英樹(写真) Takemoto Hideki – Photography

藤谷康晴(平面・パフォーマンス)  Fujiya Yasuharu – Performance Painting

If you can’t make the opening, the exhibition itself will run until 8/7.



展示期間:7月27(水)~ 8月7日(日)




Graffiti Party Thanks for Coming/ グラフィティー・パーティーに参加して下さった皆さん、どうもありがとうございました

Big thanks to all for those that came out to the graffiti party, and for those that couldn’t make it, do not worry, there will be plenty more in the future! It was a great time with great people, awesome music, and the coolest designs around! Below are some photos of the event! Also, a big shout out to Nick Roy and his impromptu magic show!


グラフィティー・パーティーに参加して下さった皆さん、どうもありがとうございました。あいにく参加できなかった皆さん、ご心配なく。これからたくさんイベントがあります!最高の人達、素晴らしい音楽、クールなデザインT-シャツに囲まれ、最高の時間でした。また、Nick Roy氏と彼による即興マジック・ショーに大変感謝申し上げます。


Check out some of the Photos down below!

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Underground (アンダーグラウンド)










住所:56 W Illinois St

電話:(312) 644-7600


In English: Underground




For the young and hip clubber, Underground is the hottest club of them all.

Known as the sexiest bar/ nightclub, this place has it all, with its heart pounding music, that will definitely get your body moving to the different beats with drinks to get you in that loose state. To get in, you have to take stairs underground (hence the name) and walking in you come across the main room and further down is a smaller room. These two different rooms, which both providing a very up- beat, high paced environment, this venue is not for those of you that like a more relaxed atmosphere or that tends to take it easy. When the club is in full swing, be ready for a barrage of lasers, lights, and fog machines filling up the place and the music blaring as loud as possible.


Underground offers wide variety of dance music, as it hosts many guest DJs from all over the world along with many concerts featuring different artists in the dance music industry. To fully experience Underground, one can order bottle service and a table for themselves and friends, and for those looking to go all out, a private party is in order as the location can hold up to 425 guests, and is great for any occasion such as birthday parties or fundraisers.


Now, as enjoyable as this club is, there are a few things that are negatives about this spot. For one, it is a very crowed place with long lines you have to wait in unless you are in contact with someone at the door, however, if you are a woman or a guy that has a girl in his arms, cutting to the front of the line is possible. Also, there is a $20 cover charge at the door. Considering it is a premium place, it commands a premium price since just about everything is very expensive.


In the end, Underground is a fun place to experience nightlife in Chicago, while listening to today’s top artist and having a good time drinking with friends. If you are lucky you may just catch one of your favorite celebrities partying it up!


Address: 56 W Illinois St

Telephone: (312) 644-7600


日本語で:Underground (アンダーグラウンド)



Carbon (カーボン)






住所:West Town – 810 N Marshfield Ave.

Bridgeport – 300 W 26th St.



In English:Carbon


Since 2011, there has been a new Mexican restaurant taking Chicago by storm and its name is Carbon. Most Mexican restaurants are usually sit-down places, though not Carbon, it is more of a take out place that has seating. While on the outside it may not look much, its what they make that is sending a buzz throughout town! The steak is tender for better flavoring, tortilla is cooked with olive oil for healthier eating and all natural beans and vegetables, nothing from canned sources.


Aside from their main entrees of burritos and tacos, the guacamole and chips is one to die for, its that good! If you want extra flavor to your meal, they offer different salsas from very mild to extremely spicy. Another unique thing about them is their desserts, all homemade with original recipes, with one in particular being the chocolate quesadilla similar to a regular quesadilla, except filled with chocolate instead of cheese.


With all these benefits, the best is the price, and for those on a budget it offers high quality food without breaking the bank. For those that are lazy but still want to eat Carbon are in luck, as they deliver.


Address: West Town – 810 N Marshfield Ave.

Bridgeport – 300 W 26th St.


Telephone: 312-225-3200


日本語で:Carbon (カーボン)